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Song translation

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Songs translation Francoise Hardy

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Song translation

Songs translation Francoise Hardy

 Francoise Hardy - songs translation  

    Francoise Hardy    





Translation of the song Francoise Hardy «Traume»



Träume, die bei Nacht entstehen
Und am Tag vergehen
Sind meistens garnicht wahr
Weil sie unter den Millionen
Unsrer Illusionen
Geboren sind

Träume sind wie ferne Wolken
Denen andre folgen
Solang es Leben gibt
Sag mir, sag wohin sie treiben
Wo sie einmal bleiben
Weiss nur der Wind

Wie ein Wunder ist die Welt
Jeder Baum und jedes Feld
Wie ein Wunder ist die Welt

Träume, die uns nichts bedeuten
Sollte man beizeiten
Mit andern Augen sehn
Weil sie oftmals unser Denken
Auf die Wege lenken
Die wir dann gehen

Dreams that arise in the night
And fade in the day
Mostly aren’t true
Because like this among millions
Our illusions are born

Dreams are like far-off clouds
Which other follow
As long as there is live
Tell me, tell, where they drive to
Where they will once stay
Only the wind knows this

Like a wonder is the world
Each tree and each field
Like a wonder is the world

Dreams that don’t mean anything to us
we should see
With other eyes in time
‘cause they often lead our thinking
To those paths
Which we then follow.


Songs translation Luciano Pavarotti

 Luciano Pavarotti - songs translation  

    Luciano Pavarotti   





Translation of the song Luciano Pavarotti «Caruso»



Qui dove il mare luccica,
e tira forte il vento
sulla vecchia terrazza
davanti al golfo di Surriento
un uomo abbraccia una ragazza
dopo che aveva pianto
poi si schiarisce la voce,
e ricomincia il canto

Te vojo bene assai
ma tanto tanto bene sai
и una catena ormai
che scioglie il sangue dint-e
vene sai-

Vide le luci in mezzo al mare,
penso alle notti lа in America
ma erano solo le lampare
e la bianca scia di un-elica
senti il dolore
nella musica,
e si atzт dal pianoforte
ma quando vide uscire
la luna da una nuvola,
gli sembro piu dolce anche la morte
guardт negli occhi la ragazza,
quegli occhi verdi come il mare
poi all-improvviso usci una lacrima
e lui credette di affogare

Te vojo bene assai
ma tanto tanto bene sai
и una catena ormai
che scioglie il sangue dint-e
vene sai-

Potenza della lirica,
dove ogni dramma e un falso
che con un po- di trucco e con la mimica
puoi diventare un altro
ma due occhi che ti guardano,
cosi vicini e veri
ti fan scordare le parole,
confondono i pensieri
cosi diventa tutto piccolo,
anche le notti lа in America
ti volti e vedi la tua vita,
dietro la scia di un-elica
ma si, la vita che finisce,
e non ci penso poi tanto
anzi, si sentiva giа felice,
e ricominciт il suo canto

Te vojo bene assai
ma tanto tanto bene sai
и una catena ormai
che scioglie il sangue dint-e
vene sai.

Here, where the sea shines
and the wind howls,
on the old terrace beside the gulf of Sorrento,
a man embraces a girl
he wept after,
then clears his throat and continues the song:

I love you very much,
very, very much, you know;
it is a chain by now
that melts the blood inside the veins, you know…

He saw the lights out on the sea,
thought of the nights there in America,
but they were only the fishermen’s lamps
and the white wash astern.
He felt the pain in the music
and stood up from the piano,
but when he saw the moon emerging from a cloud
death also seemed sweeter to him.
He looked the girl in the eyes,
those eyes as green as the sea.
Then suddenly a tear fell
and he believed he was drowning.

I love you very much,
very, very much, you know,
it is a chain by now
that melts the blood inside the vein you know…

The power of opera,
where every drama is a hoax;
with a little make-up and with mime
you can become someone else.
But two eyes that look at you,
so close and real,
make you forget the words,
confuse your thoughts,

So everything became small,
also the nights there in America.
You turn and see your life
through the white wash astern.

But, yes, it is life that ends
and he did not think so much about it
on the contrary, he already felt happy
and continued his song:

I love you very much,
very, very much, you know,
it is a chain by now
that melts the blood inside the veins, you know…

I love you very much,
very, very much, you know,
it is a chain by now
that melts the blood inside the veins, you know…



 Sting - songs translation  



La belle dame sans regret

  The Beautiful Lady without Regrets  


Translation of the song Sting « La belle dame sans regret



Dansons tu dis
Et moi, je suis
Mes pas sont gauches
Mes pieds tu fauches
Je crains les sots
Je cherche en vain les mots
Pour m'expliquer ta vie, alors

Tu mens, ma Soeur
Tu brises mon coeur
Je pense, tu sais
Erreurs, jamais
J'еcoute, tu parles
Je ne comprends pas bien
La Belle Dame sans Regrets

Je pleure, tu ris
Je chante, tu cries
Tu sеmes les graines
D'un mauvais chеne
Mon blе s'envole
Tu en as ras le bol
J'attends, toujours
Mes cris sont sourds

Tu mens, ma Soeur
Tu brises mon coeur
Je pense, tu sais
Erreurs, jamais
J'еcoute, tu parles
Je ne comprends pas bien
La Belle Dame sans Regrets

Let's dance you say
And me, I am
My steps are clumsy
You step on my feet
I'm afraid of making mistakes
I search for the words in vain
To explain to me your life, well...

You lead, my sister
You break my heart
I think, you know
Errors, never
I listen, you speak
I don't understand too well
The Beautiful Lady without Regrets

I cry, you laugh
I sing, you yell
You sow your seeds
Of a bad oak tree
My wheat flies away
You've had enough
I wait, as always
My shouts are deaf

You lead, my sister
You break my heart
I think, you know
Errors, never
I listen, you speak
I don't understand too well
The Beautiful Lady without Regrets


Nina Simone

 Nina Simone - songs translation  


Nina Simone

    Ne Me Quitte Pas   

Do not leave me


Translation of the song  "Ne Me Quitte Pas"



Ne me quitte pas
Il faut oublier
Tout peut s'oublier
Qui s'enfuit deja
Oublier le temps
Des malentendus
Et le temps perdu
A savoir comment
Oublier ces heures
Qui tuaient parfois
A coups de pourquoi
Le coeur du bonheur
Ne me quitte pas (4 fois)

Moi je t'offrirai
Des perles de pluie
Venues de pays
Ou il ne pleut pas
Je creuserai la terre
Jusqu'apres ma mort
Pour couvrir ton corps
D'or et de lumière
Je ferai un domaine
Ou l'amour sera roi
Ou l'amour sera loi
Ou tu seras reine
Ne me quitte pas (4 fois)

Ne me quitte pas
Je t'inventerai
Des mots insensés
Que tu comprendras
Je te parlerai
De ces amants là
Qui ont vu deux fois
Leurs coeurs s'embraser
Je te racont'rai
L'histoire de ce roi
Mort de n'avoir pas
Pu te rencontrer
Ne me quitte pas (4 fois)

On a vu souvent
Rejaillir le feu
De l'ancien volcan
Qu'on croyait trop vieux
Il est paraît-il
Des terres brulees
Donnant plus de ble
Qu'un meilleur avril
Et quand vient le soir
Pour qu'un ciel flamboie
Le rouge et le noir
Ne s'épousent-ils pas
Ne me quitte pas (4 fois)

Ne me quitte pas
Je ne vais plus pleurer
Je ne vais plus parler
Je me cacherai là
À te regarder
Danser et sourire
Et à t'écouter
Chanter et puis rire
Laisse-moi devenir
L'ombre de ton ombre
L'ombre de ta main
L'ombre de ton chien
Ne me quitte pas (4 fois)

Do not leave me
One must forget
That which is bygone.
Everything can be forgotten -
Forget the instances
Of misunderstandings
And of the moments lost.
Knowing how to
Forget the hours
That sometimes killed
The very heart of happiness
- with all their Why's.
Do not leave me. (4x)

I will offer you
pearls made of raindrops,
found in countries where it never rains.
I will traverse the Earth,
until after I'm gone,
only to cover your body
with gold and with sunlight.
I will establish a kingdom
where Love will be king,
where Love will rule,
and you will be Queen.
Do not leave me. (4x)

Do not leave me.
I will invent for you
nonsensical words
which only you will understand.
I will tell you stories
about the lovers
whose hearts have been
twice ablaze,
and of that king
who died for not having met you.
Do not leave me.

One has often seen
a fire erupting
out an ancient volcano,
thought to be extinct.
And it seems
that a scorched earth
could give more wheat
than in the best of springs.
And when the evening falls
do the red and the black not unite
in order for sky to be set aflame?
Do not leave me.

Do not leave me
I will no longer cry.
I will no longer talk.
I will just hide where
I can look at you
dance and smile,
and listen to you
sing and then laugh.
Let me become
the shadow of your shadow
the shadow of your hand
the shadow of your dog.
Do not leave me. (4x)


Songs translation Patricia Kaas

 Patricia Kaas - songs translation  



Patricia Kaas

Y'avait tant d'etoiles

  There Were So Many Stars  


Translation of the song Patricia Kaas "Y'avait tant d'etoiles"



...Y' avait tant d'étoiles
Comme si, la nuit
Avait des milliers
De tâches de rousseur
Ces petits grains de beauté, charmeurs
Attirés quelques heures
Vers l'au-delà
La mélancolie
De ces autres nuits
A dormir sans toi
A rêver parfois...

...There were so many stars
As if the night
Had thousands
Of freckles
These little beauty spots, charming
Bring a few hours
Towards them -- beyond
The melancholy
Of these other nights
Sleeping without you
Dreaming sometimes...





Patricia Kaas

   Un Dernier Blues   

A last blues


Translation of the song Patricia Kaas "Un Dernier Blues"



Un dernier blues avant demain
Avant que la mort me donne la main
Avant que l'automne ait mis aux arbres
Des cheveux roux.

Un dernier blues avant minuit
Avant que l'amour m'ait travesti
Avant que les hommes ait pris mon coeur
Pour un igloo.

Un dernier blues en catastrophe
Avant qu'une étoile m'apostrophe
Avant d'avoir écrit mon nom
Sur les néons de l'infini.

Un dernier blues en majuscule
Point de suspension et virgule
Un dernier blues un jour de pluie
En mi mineur pour un ami

A last blues before tomorrow
Before death gives me the hand
Before the autumn put at the trees
Russet-red hair.

A last blues before midnight
Before the love disguised me
Before the men took my heart
For an igloo.

A last blues in catastrophe
Before a star apostrophizes me
Before to have written my name
On neons of the infinite one

A last blues in capital letter
Not of suspension and
comma a last blues one day of rain
As a semi minor for a friend




  see also "The whole Music of the Project" 

 for Life:

Music for Life

 The whole Music of the Project  

 Good songs


 Advert music 

 Song translation 

 Universal language 

 Music & Cannes Lions

 Last words of the great musicians LIFE/ Music for Life/ Song translation





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