Hi mate. Here you are, at the very bottom. I hope this is a virtual
trip only and something is happening in your universe. The sun is
shining or it’s raining. You are doing something, have feelings, can
change, live. None of this happens or exists in the “loss of soul”
Nothing would describe a loss of soul and a blank
page would be its most accurate reflection. The text
you are reading is merely a commentary, although
what commentary does Silence need? What words would
describe it? The other states of being have at least
some meaning. No such concept, however, exists in
the loss of soul world. Everything above lives and
changes. Here, everything is empty and dead. All the
colours are gone. Every value is lost.
It is a world of nothingness. One cannot get here
by itself. Loss of soul comes itself and everything
disappears and loss of soul fills the entire world.
It’s impossible to get out of here by one’s own
will, but one can always try.
But where do I find strength to get up? Where do
I find a path to go? How do I see the stars to light
the way? Where do I see the goal to follow? Where do
I get hope to chop off the ice of time? And where,
in the end, do I find somebody who needs it? And
what for? Who will answer these questions? Silence,
and only a sharp razor of loneliness cutting slowly
through the space and time.
What is loss of soul? It’s better that you never
know and never get here. Just know that there is a
place and there is nothing in it. Nothing to push
off from, nothing to acquire, nothing to lose. This
world presented us with loads of opportunities –
loss of soul can take away all of them, one after
another. Yet, it always leaves one opportunity. And
this opportunity is to wait. Wait till it is back.
Wait till the Soul is back.
Only those with a soul can live. Without it, life
is lifeless, and meaningless, and soulless. Life
with no soul is not life. Just look inside yourself.
If you have a soul, the whole world is yours. Having
a soul means living. If you have a soul, you can cry
and laugh. If you have a soul, you can accomplish
what brought you in this world. You are capable of
many things – maybe of everything.
What else can be said? That is it. Go back. Look
– there is a way to make a step.